Our partners Randy Bynum and Walter McSpadden and the Renewables Team have unique experience in various practice areas in the renewables field. That experience includes a) Randy Bynum serving on the Arkansas Public Service Commission and as treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners; b) Walter McSpadden representing the developer of the first utility scale solar project in Arkansas, and the ongoing representation of developers/owners/operators of renewable energy facilities across the state; c) McSpadden serving as bond counsel in financings for utility-scale renewable energy facilities in the state; and d) serving as counsel to local and national lessors and lessees in tax-exempt lease transactions in the state, with a particular emphasis in leases for energy savings equipment.
You’re in good hands.
Many WLJ attorneys are recognized for their work in the natural resources, energy and environmental sectors.
WLJ advises a wide variety of clients who rely on the state’s natural resources for business.
Our team has the skill to guide clients through complex and ever changing legislation, regulatory action and market competition, as well as specific and rich experience with energy finance.
3 attorneys
WLJ attorneys recognized by The Best Lawyers in America© for their work in the natural resources sector.
12 governmental entities
Governmental entities recently represented in connection with the issuance of more than $1 billion in energy financings.