Adrienne L. Baker
Partner | Rogers, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes

Michael D. Barnes
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multidistrict Litigation
- Environmental Issues & Toxic Torts
- Insurance Defense

Eric Berger
Partner | Rogers, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes

Randall L. Bynum
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Administrative & Regulatory Law
- Government Investigations and Regulatory Action
- Medical Marijuana & Industrial Hemp

J. Mark Davis
Of Counsel | Little Rock, AR
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes
- Local Government & Municipal Utilities

Jacob P. Fair
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes

Timothy J. Frith
Associate | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights

Erika Ross Gee
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Administrative & Regulatory Law
- Government Investigations and Regulatory Action
- Medical Marijuana & Industrial Hemp

Judy Simmons Henry
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multidistrict Litigation

Collins Hickman
Associate | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes
- Contract Preparation & Negotiation

Johnathan D. Horton
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes

Scott A. Irby
Partner | Rogers, AR
- Arbitration & Mediation
- Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multidistrict Litigation
- Environmental Issues & Toxic Torts

Daveante Jones
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Wage & Hour
- Government Agency Investigations (EEOC, DOL, OSHA and DOE)
- Employment Agreements and Handbooks

Jane A. Kim
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Wage & Hour
- Class and Collective Actions Under the Employment Laws
- Government Agency Investigations (EEOC, DOL, OSHA and DOE)

Elizabeth A. Kimbrell
Associate | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes

Edwin L. Lowther, Jr.
Of Counsel | Little Rock, AR
- Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multidistrict Litigation
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes
- Environmental Issues & Toxic Torts

Gary D. Marts, Jr.
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Appellate Advocacy
- Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multidistrict Litigation
- Environmental Issues & Toxic Torts

Jaimie G. Moss
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Banking & Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor’s Rights
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes

Gordon S. Rather, Jr.
Partner | Little Rock, AR
- Class Action, Mass Tort, and Multidistrict Litigation
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes
- Director & Officer Liability

Glenn S. Ritter
Partner | Rogers, AR
- Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Litigation
- Commercial Litigation & Contract Disputes
- Medical Malpractice

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