

On Thursday, March 3, 2016, Wright Lindsey Jennings will host its first Little Rock Labor & Employment Seminar of the year – “What Do I Do Now?” In this seminar, we’ll hit several separate “nightmare” scenarios in which you could find yourself in 2016, including discovering a) managers making racial comments on social media, b) you have misclassified a group of employees as exempt, and c) senior managers sexually harassing subordinates.
We’ll also offer our thoughts on what to do.
Please join us for this free seminar and complimentary lunch. The seminar will begin at 11:30 a.m. in the WLJ Conference Rooms (Floor 23) at our offices in the Bank of America Building (200 W. Capitol Avenue) in Little Rock.
To attend, please RSVP by contacting Alyx Vanness ( on or before Friday, February 26, 2016.
This program has been submitted for approval for one general recertification credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. In addition, Wright Lindsey Jennings is a SHRM Preferred Provider for purposes of SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM Professional Development Credits.