
David C. Jung has been cited in the Sixth Edition of Howard W. Brill’s Arkansas Law of Damages for his publication, Solidifying Arkansas’ Liquidated Damage Law After S.O.G.-San Ore-Gardner v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.: It’s Not All Water Under the Bridge, 35 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. 389 (2013).
The Westlaw publication authored by Howard W. and Christian H. Brill covers the general principles of damages and the damages relating to substantive principles of Arkansas law. The comprehensive overview of judicial decisions with statutory and secondary references included in past editions has been referenced over two hundred times by Arkansas state and federal courts, according to Westlaw. It has served as a tool for the legal industry for over thirty years, and until the Sixth Edition, has not been completely rewritten in over a decade.
Jung has a litigation-oriented practice and handles medical malpractice matters as well as construction, insurance defense and products liability matters. Jung obtained his JD from the University of Arkansas–Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law, graduating with high honors in 2013.