
These are uncertain times for all of us, and we want to let you know that we are here for you. We remain committed to the safety and well-being of our firm family, our clients and our communities, and we are closely following the recommendations of state and national health organizations.
Wright Lindsey Jennings has been planning possible contingencies in response to COVID-19 for some time and, thanks to that preparedness, we remain fully operational. We are committed to serving your legal needs without disruption and encourage you to contact us at the phone numbers and email addresses you always use.
As we face unprecedented challenges in the coming days, our dedication to the continuity of service is unwavering, as it has been for 120 years. We are mindful of the role we play in protecting the strength and health of Arkansans and Arkansas businesses. We take this responsibility seriously and are humbled to stand by you in facing the business and legal issues arising in this rapidly developing situation.
Below, we have provided a list of resources that we hope you find helpful as we work together during these uncertain times. Some are business and industry focused and some sources offer helpful information addressing community resources and needs. We will continue to update this list as needed:
Wright Lindsey Jennings Resources
COVID-19 Client Alert: Paycheck Protection Program – http://wlj.com/covid-19-client-alert-paycheck-protection-program/
COVID-19 Client Alert: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Summary – http://wlj.com/covid-19-client-alert-coronavirus-aid-relief-and-economic-security-act-cares-act-summary/
Pandemics: Plan But Don’t Panic – http://wlj.com/pandemics-plan-but-dont-panic/
Global Illnesses and Pandemics: Realistic Planning for Employers (Webinar Recording) – http://wlj.com/webinar-global-illnesses-and-pandemics-%ef%bb%bfrealistic-planning-for-employers/
State Resources
Arkansas Secretary of State Announces Temporary Waiver of Franchise Tax Late Fees and Interest Charges – http://wlj.com/arkansas-secretary-of-state-announces-temporary-waiver-of-franchise-tax-late-fees-and-interest-charges/
Arkansas Department of Education – http://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/divisions/communications/covid-19-information
Arkansas Department of Health – https://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/programs-services/topics/novel-coronavirus
Arkansas Economic Development Commission – https://www.arkansasedc.com/covid19
UAMS Health – https://uamshealth.com/coronavirus/
Business Resources
Arkansas Hospital Association – https://www.arkhospitals.org/Online/News/COVID-19.aspx
Arkansas Hospitality Association – https://www.arhospitality.org/coronavirus-resources.html
Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center – http://asbtdc.org/covid-19-resources/
Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce – https://www.arkansasstatechamber.com/covid-19-coronavirus-and-arkansas/
Associated Builders and Contractors of Arkansas – http://www.abcark.org/COVID-19
Disaster Loan Assistance (SBA) – https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/#
Small Business Administration – https://www.sba.gov/page/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-guidance-loan-resources; https://www.sba.gov/offices/district/ar/little-rock
Society for Human Resource Management (member login required) – https://www.shrm.org/ResourcesAndTools/Pages/communicable-diseases.aspx
Startup Junkie – https://www.startupjunkie.org/blog/covid19tips?fbclid=IwAR3QPeriWgBr0HaIlNwx_2PHffQEstjDyg_73mzlso7CoqFrSi1w60SMyIU
Community News & Resources
American Red Cross – https://www.redcross.org/local/arkansas.html; https://www.redcross.org/
Arkansas Community Foundation – https://www.arcf.org/responding-to-covid-19-in-arkansas/
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette – https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/coronavirus/
Get Local Food – https://getlocalfood.co/
Safe Eats LR – https://www.safeeatslr.com/